London, Day 8

I wanted to get breakfast one last time and our host said York & Albany, a Gordan Ramsay restaurant was good for it. So we walked over there and I ordered a traditional breakfast again (consists of one fried egg, one piece of bacon, one piece of sausage, a fried tomato, some mushrooms, beans and toast – crazy!).

The place was empty except for us and another couple. A few more people walked in later, I paid no attention. While we were eating Steve said, “hey, do you recognize that voice?” and tilted his head to the left, where the voice was coming from. I looked over and my face immediately went flush – on the couch with a blond woman was Ewan McGreger! I turned back to Steve and said, “holy shit!!!!” I wanted to look over again and again so badly, but I didn’t want to be rude. I kept my composure, we both did, and we continued to eat and marvel at the fact that he was 20 feet away. I’m a huge fan, I think he’s a great actor with huge versatility (singing, blockbuster-ing, independent-ing and let’s not forget where it started). Steve is also a fan because of Ewan’s motorcycle enthusiasm – often narrating motorcycle documentaries and taking a motorcycle trip around the world with his best friend. We concluded that the woman was interviewing him. When we left I tried to make eye contact, but he was deep in conversation answering a question and didn’t glance over at us. Oh well, it was all cool enough as is!

Then we went home.

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