Sunday – A Rainy Day

I was very bummed waking up to the sound of rain Sunday morning. Luckily we brought umbrellas with us, so it wasn’t a complete show stopper, but we took the day very slowly.

Steve and Orion went out to the farmers market to buy ingredients for dinner and when they came back said I HAD to check it out. So I went over (it was just a block away) and walked around. There seemed to be every kind of food imaginable – fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, candy, pastries, bread, cheese and other things like clothes, scarves, flowers, souvenirs, and more. It was amazing, huge and so full of people.

After that we hung around the apartment for a while, taking it easy. Then we took a walk over the Seine to Rue Saint Germain and wondered around for a couple of hours. While crossing the Seine we saw Notre Dame a couple bridges over. We stumbled upon the Panthéon, walked over and took some pictures of the large, beautiful structure. Then ended up in the Quartier Latin; reminded me a lot of the tight, small streets of Old Nice, except more vibrant and lively. From there we headed back to the apartment past Notre Dame, which was amazing to see in person. So beautiful and detailed, absolutely breathtaking.

When we got back Steve and Orion worked on dinner while Rebecca and I had cafe creme across the street. We just sat and chatted, watching people walk by. The guys were making beef stew, and it ended up taking a little longer to make then planned. So we ate the excellent stew late in the evening and in the mean time watched the first two episodes of Heroes.


  1. Mathew Lee on May 21, 2007 at 10:32 pm

    You have just experience the painting “Paris Street Rainy Day” by Gustave Caillebotte

  2. Nicole on May 22, 2007 at 6:50 am

    Ha, I suppose I have 🙂

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