Swimming Patterns

I’ve been swimming at the YMCA in the Presidio since about November. I try to swim Monday, Wednesday and Friday, though I don’t make it if I’m sick or have to run an errand in the morning. I’ve been pretty consistent for the most part though.

Around January and February the pool got packed for obvious reasons. People made New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and were coming to the pool to do so. This annoyed me greatly, because although the pool is big I hate sharing lanes. Splitting it two ways is fine, but when you have to circle with three people it gets down right irritating. Usually the three people aren’t always going the same speed. The staff puts markers at the ends of each lane: fast, medium, and slow, but that doesn’t always mean you’re going to end up with someone that goes the same pace.

So many times I would have to slow down and wait for the person in front of me to get ahead enough for me to actually get a bit of a workout. And if the person was doing the butterfly stroke forget about it! That stroke is so damn slow. I think it should be off limits if you’re sharing with more than one person.

I was so annoyed by the increased number of people that I contemplated finding a new pool. Luckily I stuck it out though. Around March and April those folks started to peter out. And now on days like today I had an entire lane to myself during the whole session. So wonderful! Thank goodness for lazy people.

And if you are wondering how much I swim, 32 laps make a mile. I swim 24 laps, which is 3/4 of a mile.

Post #10 (50-100-50)

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