Room with a Balcony

A week or two ago I made all the arrangements for our honeymoon in Thailand. While I was booking hotels I tried to contact one of them via fax and it was returned. So then I tried to call them, and got no answer. The next day I called again and yay, a woman answered!…

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Not-so-Mysterious Smell

We’re about to only have two women at the office out of roughly 30 people (the third just gave her notice, and I will miss her 🙁 ). Ok, so maybe it will be two and a half, the half being a part time office assistant type. This means that if I poo in the…

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Hover Cat on a Tee

If a piece of buttered toast was tied to a cats back, and the cat fell, would it just hover? You know, because cats always land on their feet and toast always lands butter-side down. We finally have an answer – the Hover Cat on a t-shirt, screw you Threadless! Hover Cat by nhanusek Get…

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