Getting In

Do you have any tips for getting your foot into the door of any art-related job?

When asked this question, this is the best I can answer…

The best thing I can tell you is to make sure your portfolio is arranged properly. If you know the job requires watercolors, put your watercolors at the front of your portfolio. Then include other mediums, or if possible other items that reveal your capabilities (ex. if you’ve designed business cards, or logos). It’s pretty tough to get a job anywhere right now, so don’t get discouraged 🙂

I started part time at a web design company while still in school, then went full time when I graduated. As for freelance, I take every opportunity that comes up. CIA sends out little fliers every so often and I make the call on them. I don’t think anybody ever does, and that’s where most of my freelance comes from. Then word of mouth, or often times clients will come back for more.

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