Sailing on the Bay

Up until about 10 days before his birthday I had no idea what to get for Steve. It is so difficult to buy something for the guy who has everything. So I started thinking about what TO DO. Go carts entered my mind, which lead to a few other things, like sailing. So I sent an email to all his friends feeling out interest and got a ton. Settled, a sailing trip on the bay with his friends! I wanted him to be able to participate though, because when he was younger he used to sail with his family. I found just the right crew, Capt Kirk, who loves to involve his guests and explain how it all works.

I surprised Steve with the news on his actually birthday, a Thursday. I gave him a box at dinner that contained a captains hat. Two days later we were at the dock with his friends getting on the boat. I was pretty nervous because I get motion sickness (as do some other friends), but we all took medication (Bonine or Dramamine) and were all fine. I had a few moments of wooziness, but they dissipated quickly.

Shortly after leaving the dock we hit the wind and were moving at a 45 degree angle! I had to hold tight and brace my foot in order to prevent myself from falling to the other side of the boat. It was so exciting! Steve’s friend Tyler steered for a while – he had experience sailing, but not on a 50 foot boat! He ended up steering us into a wave that he could have avoided had he been able to see it. Most of the folks on the front and left side of the boat were drenched!

We turned back to go under the Bay bridge around Treasure Island, where the water was much calmer. I steered for a while and the crew brought out lunch. We ate on the calm waters and circled back to the docks. We could see the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance, covered with fog. It and the city were so freakin’ beautiful! I couldn’t believe how quickly it all ended.

Later Steve told me that he wasn’t too excited about the trip until we were out there holding on for dear life at 45 degrees. You’ll notice in every single picture of him there’s a huge smile on his face. Everyone had a great time! I would definitely do it again, especially now that I know some Bonine fixes my motion sickness.

Photo set

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