Milwaukee Adventure

I arrived in Milwaukee Thursday evening. My friends Mat and Shawna picked me up at the airport. We got caught up around a huge bowl of M&M’s and some wine (his pug, Mishka, joined us).

It was pretty cold there in Milwaukee that weekend, about 40 degrees or so, and I was not dressed for it. I only brought my thin blue rain coat. As you can see here, we’re pretty cold.

Here you see the colorful shoes we wear.

We decided to go to Chicago on Saturday. There we saw Ellen Digenerous interviewing people on the street for her show. We did not try to get interviewed as the line was way too long.

Here you see the library with the fancy blue toppings. And Mat and Shawna in front of Sears Tower.

We walked on to a park area on the lake. There we saw painted blue trees. A cool blue dance floor (Mat and Shawna demostrating use of the dance floor). A large fountain that changes shape as you sit and watch it for a while. And then the infamous horse balls… this statue was about 20 feet high, of a horse with a Native American riding him. We were surpised at the detail the artist put into every portion of the piece.

On Sunday we went to the ballet for a performance of Swan Lake. We went back stage where I met dancer, Jeanette Hanley, whom I created a web site for.

The rest of the trip we finished off the M&M’s and relaxed!

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